Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sanket Garud on Modern Forms of Casteism

Sanket Garud on Modern Forms of Casteism

"But Mind You I Don't Believe in Caste!"

Dude, what's your caste?
But mind you I don't believe in caste!

Do you enjoy reservations?
Aah how lucky you people are!!
But mind you I don't believe in caste!

We people struggle so hard to get admissions
And you all... Aah so lucky you people are!!
But mind you I don't believe in caste!

I come from a Brahmin family
We follow our rituals!
What rituals do you people have?
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

Aah... I thought you were a Brahmin
Because you look like one!!
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

You scored such good grades!!
But did you get admissions on the basis of reservations??
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

I worship our gods and this is our culture
that we have been following throughout
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

Oh... You are fair...
your complexion doesn't let me believe
that you are not a Brahmin
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

I never was Castiest...
I come from a poor family
But then too these people get such facilities!
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

There is no Castiesm nowadays..
May be practiced in some rural areas...
no one follows it in urban areas
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

These people are so dumb
They look so ugly... Aah that black colour!!
I just hate this guy
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

These people know nothing
But to roam around Give 'Gaalis' (swearing),
these people are not even educated
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

Aah these 'Jhopadpatti' (slum) people...
We are not meant to stay with them
They know nothing but to fight
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

These people have no values at all
They are manner-less and would be a waste of time talking to them
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

Eww... you know he was from a low caste
Why need to marry him?
He won't be able to compete with us
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

I treat you like others naah...
so why do you still believe in caste?
I treat you like you are human
But mind you I don't believe in caste!!

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